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This past Tuesday I went in to Sunnybrook for my surgery. To remind my faithful readers there were to be 3 procedures done:

  • gall bladder removal (the major component of the surgery)
  • perineum repair
  • removal of a huge stone in my urinary bladder -every UTI I have the stone sucks up the infections and keeps “transmitting” to the bladder, so I was never infection free while this stone existed

Momma Bean accompanied me to the hospital and we got in early, as I needed to stock up on some extra gauze, paper tape and surgical lubricant — all of which I need every time I catheterise. We went to “Same Day Surgery” and registered. I was taken in, stripped down and put into a hospital gown. 3 different nurses tried to start an IV in me, but sadly my veins were very disobedient. The nurses complained that my skin was quite tough – to which I pointed out that I am dehydrated cos of being NPO since midnight.

Momma Bean was allowed to come in and sit with me while I waited to be wheeled upstairs. I had a little draped corner because I am still on the MRSA-dangerous list. This made it difficult if I needed to poop or leave for other personal reasons.

I was finally wheeled up 90 minutes past the scheduled time. Seems no one told the OR cleaners that the OR had to be scrubbed & prepped for an MRSA patient. I was wheeled in and then the two anaesthetists (Staff Doctor & Resident [trainee doctor]) tried to start an IV in me. After 7 pokes an IV was started. I was promptly put to sleep and woke up several hours later in Post-Op.

I was told in Post-Op that they didn’t take out the gall bladder. I was not happy, to say the least, But I was also so woozy and high, coming off the anaesthetic I barely heard anything. I managed to wake up enough & be cognisant enough to be sent home. Momma Bean took me home and viola! There was my Stephanie waiting for me. Tarotcub let her into my flat. Stephanie spent the night, on my sofa, while I rested in bed. She watched a bit of Netflix and just made sure I didn’t need any emergency help while I was still coming off the anaesthetic.

In the middle of the night I got hungry so I nibbled on a caramel flavoured rice cake. Unfortunately I threw up, remembering then that I am to be on a clear liquid diet until my bowels start working. In the morning I was toddling about and tried to catheterise. Unfortunately a catheter couldn’t get in and I ended up with lots of bloody gauze in the bathroom. Woke Stephanie up and off we went to Sunnybrook. Fortunately Dr Herschorn has his clinic days on Wednesdays. I got in, spoke to Donna (cystoscopy clinic head receptionist) and helen (Dr Herschorn’s secretary) and got in with Dr Herschorn. He tried inserting a catheter but he wasn’t successful either. So I was wheeled into the Cystoscopy procedure room and via the cystascope a foley catheter was inserted into me. I’m attached to a pee bag now.

Afterwards met up with Dr Herschorn and we discussed the surgery and why the gall bladder couldn’t be taken out. When Dr Ross got in with the lapriscope there was so much internal scarring and adhesions that he couldn’t get a clear view of the gall bladder. It would have been too dangerous for him to continue. He didn’t just slice me completely open as it would have taken nearly 10hrs to clear up all the adhesions and then take out the gall bladder. A surgery that big needs to be discussed with me. I understand fully why, my last surgery I was under for 11hrs and I was failing towards the end. I ended up in ICU for about 4-5 days because I wasn’t doing too well recovering from the surgery. I am to see Dr Herschorn next week for an assessment and see what the next steps are.

After leaving the Cysto Clinic Stephanie and I met up with Brian. He’s a lovely friend and hospital chaplain (nowadays called Spiritual Care Provider) at my hospital. We had a little chat in the sunny hospital cafeteria. I had some 7-Up and a cup of jello for lunch, all very filling.

Got home and there was my lovely Jenn. Jenn took care of me yesterday, making sure I didn’t need anything while I was resting. I slept mostly while Jenn played on the computer and checked on me. Momma Bean showed up and regaled Jenn with stories of her childhood in communist Poland.  Jenn left close to midnight when her Fraser picked her up and Momma Bean spent the night. I believe my Momma Bean really likes Jenn as she calls Jenn “that lovely young woman” – I could tell cos my mom was quite the chatterbox with Jenn yesterday. I have never seen her that animated and that chatty with anyone speaking only English. She even shared her spicy saurkraut with Jenn.

I’m doing okay. Just really sleepy, which is good. I haven’t eaten anything as of yet today, except for 2 fruit popsicles which Chris bought a box for me.